Lower Back Pain Treatment Fort Collins CO
Lower Back Pain Treatment
Over time, we are often exposed to major traumatizing events such as car accidents, sports injuries and minor slips and falls. Micro traumas are also part of daily life due to living a sedentary lifestyle, having poor posture, or just sitting idle for hours.
The combination of these major and micro traumas change the mechanics of our body. Unless we constantly work on maintaining and improving the health or our spine, years of neglect will eventually lead to a weakened spine that slowly breaks down over time which causes lower back pain.
If you have back pain, especially pain that lasts longer than a few days, it’s important to see a chiropractor in order to prevent further damage to your spine and overall health.
We not only provide lower back pain treatment, but we can also help identify potential areas in your life that contribute to your lower back pain. Contact Heart & Hand Chiropractic today at (970) 377-3557 or e-mail us online to learn more about how we can help you find relief.

Causes of Lower Back Pain
Humans are vertebrates, which means that all of the messages from the brain must pass through the spinal cord in order to reach the organs and muscles in the body. Any misalignments of the spine, called subluxations, decrease the ability of the brain to control and regulate the body, and can lead to decreased function and eventual health problems.
The lower back is made up of bones called vertebrae and intervertebral discs (cartilage) that provide shock absorption and protection to the spinal cord. Proper alignment of the vertebrae and the health of the discs are crucial to maintaining a healthy low back.
The thickness of the discs creates the space for the nerves to exit the spine unhindered so they can control and regulate the body. Any changes to the structure of the low back or damage to the discs can lead to lower back pain along with a decrease in the function of the organs and tissues supplied by the lower back nerves.
Understanding the structure of the lower back makes it easy to understand the causes of lower back pain. Common reasons are:
Sciatica occurs due to the suppression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve travels through the hips and down the legs. Sciatica occurs when that nerve is suppressed, or caught between the disc and the neighboring bone. When that happens, it causes both lower back pain and pain in the region around the sciatic nerve.
Intervertebral disc deterioration
The various functions of intervertebral discs include bending, leaning forward, and, most importantly, providing a cushion to bones. The intervertebral discs in the lower spine can lose their optimal functioning due to injuries, accidents, and even simply negligence towards spinal care. Deterioration can also be caused by habits such as awkward postures while sitting and sleeping. When discs deteriorate, they lose the ability to absorb shocks, and thus cause lower back pain.
Muscle strains
Muscle strains are the most common reason for pain in the lower back, and they can occur frequently and quickly. Not warming up before vigorous exercise, lifting weights at awkward angles, or twisting of the hand and feet all can lead to strains in the tendons and ligaments holding up the lower back lumbar system.
When the spine is injured the misaligned bones irritate the nearby nerves. As a corrective mechanism, the muscles spasm as a way to "splint" the injured area.
Herniated Disc
Irregular movement of the intervertebral discs causes them to change from their natural position and bulge outwards. In the case of a herniated (or bulging, or ruptured) disc, that likely places pressure on the nervous system.
This is a rare condition in which nerves are squeezed and compressed as a result of a vertebra in the lower spine moving out of its natural position onto the bone beneath it.
Traumatic Injury
Impact to your body from things like falls and car accidents can also cause damage to the spine. For example, it’s common for people to need whiplash treatment after even minor car accidents.

Consistent Care
Consistent care is needed in order to restore the spine and our overall health. There are also some changes that you can make in order to take pressure off of your back, such as:
- Using lightweight shoulder bags when carrying things at the office or at school
- Weight loss, and keeping within a healthy BMI (body mass index)
- Improving your fitness levels
- Seeking assistance if you have anxiety or depression
- Eating a nutritious diet that helps minimize inflammation
These practices help alleviate pressure on the nerves surrounding the spinal region, and can help reduce your lower back pain. If you continue to experience pain symptoms, chiropractic care can help address lower back pain treatment.
We provide free screenings to all of our new patients, and our highly qualified and experienced team will look after your back problems with care. Call Heart &Hand Chiropractic today at (970) 377-3557 or contact us to schedule an appointment.
A: A chiropractor can not only treat lower back pain and restore the spine and overall health, they can also help identify potential areas in life that could be contributing to the pain.
A: Yes! Consistent chiropractic care is needed to alleviate pressure on the nerves surrounding the spinal region, which can result in reduced lower back pain
Get In Touch With Us
If you have any questions about how we can get you out of pain or improve your overall quality of life, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at (970) 377-3557.